Black credit cards are easily the best looking credit cards out there. On the whole anyway. The credit card just talks the money. Especially this credit card that literally shows a money dollar sign on the front, nothing else. A credit card most banks dont have the balls to show off; a credit card that says "yeah i got a platinum credit card bank account with american express / amex that has no limit. Who gives a fuck?!"
(i understand this credit card is not an american express/ amex credit card but i have already posted a fair share of black, gold, platinum etc. american express / amex credit cards.
Come back soon for more credit cards. Ill hit you guys up with an extra special credit card update soon!
Those cards are very slimming. :>
ReplyDeleteNot very pretty, in my opinion
ReplyDeleteI like the one, I should as I've bought enough off them over the years.
ReplyDeleteI live the play one, I haven't see like this one before
ReplyDeletethat black one looks pretty freshhh to me
ReplyDeletetop one
ReplyDeleteYup, pretty slick.
ReplyDeleteGiev the play card!!
ReplyDeleteThat FAIRFX.COM is a great design. Defo the best.
ReplyDeleteVery cool that black card.
ReplyDeletePS you have a few sad followers there ( going by profile pic etc)
ReplyDeleteSimplistic and awesome!
ReplyDeleteblack cards are always impressive
ReplyDeletei like the second one, nice and clean :D
ReplyDeleteAlmost all mine are black, they just look cool.
ReplyDeleteI like the orange and black one!
ReplyDeleteI agree. Black looks best.
ReplyDeletestraight buisness here
ReplyDeletelike the design of the CC
ReplyDeleteTruly one of the better looking cards.
ReplyDeleteYeah, black cards kick ass.
ReplyDelete100% visaa better (Y)
ReplyDeleteI love the concept of this blog. I prefer the one here.
ReplyDeleteNever seen a black card before. They look pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteI like that second one! It's pretty sweet lookin.
ReplyDeleteI really like the one
ReplyDeleteI would prefer my heart card to have a flat line on it. :D
ReplyDeleteCool credit cards.
ReplyDeletedon't live either of these
ReplyDeleteI really like the one, love the red on black.
ReplyDeleteThat is class right there.
ReplyDeleteThese look good.
ReplyDeleteI do like the heartbeat one.
ReplyDeletei totally want that card mange
ReplyDeleteCards back in black \m/O_O\m/
ReplyDeleteThe one looks sweet!
ReplyDeletecool i guess
ReplyDeletelol i would choose this over mine any day
ReplyDeleteThe first one is hilariously tacky haha
ReplyDeletelol good post!
ReplyDeleteawesome looking
ReplyDeleteDamn they both look awesome ;D