Black credit cards are very popular in this modern era. They usually imply extremely high status credit card bank account holders. Much higher than a platinum account; these often are only handed out by invitation.
Ive selected a few of the most prostigious black credit cards on the market.
The master card world elite comes with a number of features. World Elite MasterCard comes with a complimentary 24/7 concierge service that acts like a relentless personal assistant. Need to locate hard-to-find items or even reserve that perfect table? Concierge is there to help.
To contact the concierge call number on the back of your card. A very respectable credit card with many pros.
A credit card ive posted before. Simply titled BLACK CARD. Similar to the American Express Centurion Card, Visa's Black Card is awarded to the top percentage of Visa Card users. Unlike the AMEX card the fee is only $500 a month with no minimum spending amount!
A Visa advertisement claims that the card is "the world's most prestigious and versatile card." It may be versatile. However, with Visa's goal to have 3 million users carry the card, is the Black really the most prestigious with that high a figure? It isnt too rare to come across a holder of this credit card but does that distract its quality from you?!
The most influential credit card of them all; encouraging hundreds of immitators including the aforementioned black card. The american express centurian is one incredible looking credit card.
Centurion Card, known informally as the
black card, is a charge card issued by American Express. The card is available in certain markets, mainly the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Taiwan, Korea, areas of China (e.g. Hong Kong), Japan, Australia and the Middle East. The Centurion Card provides access to a range of benefits, depending on the country where the card is issued. In the 1980s, urban legends circulated about a black credit card of high spending power. While those legends were false at the time, American Express decided to capitalize on them by introducing the Centurion card in 1999.
To become a Centurion cardholder, one must meet American Express's strict eligibility criteria. Cardholders are required to pay an annual fee, and in some countries also an initiation fee.
Can you believe there were URBAN LEGENDS about this card?!
So which black credit card takes your liking?