Ever since i was young i remember looking at credit cards or debit cards or any bank card for that matter and loving the graphics they put on them. Each one was unique to a person for such a long time, it almost formed part of their identity. As i got older and got cards for myself i developed attachements to my favourite credit card graphics. Here i look to share some of the most inspiring, artistic and beautiful bank card designs i have seen.
Im a huge fan of american express credit cards, platinum credit cards, gold credit cards, limitless credit cards. You know the deal. Any bank account that falls under those expensive credit card brackets you can expect to find info on here.
Follow me for unique and valuable credit card updates.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Check out this fancy credit card

An american express red credit card. pretty cool eh?
Apparently its part of some charity initiative in the uk. All i know is this credit card looks really cool. Mixes it up from the usual AMEX credit cards. Dontchathink?


  1. better than the last one for sure ;)

  2. Does it have UNLIMITED SPENDING??

  3. yeah why not still better than mine

  4. I love the frame they put around it. Very classy 8D

  5. Yup it looks cool. I'd feel important whipping that thing out.

  6. nobody wants american express

  7. Looks pretty sleek. How long before they have a pink one?

  8. eh i think the sexiest one is the black card, balllinnnnn'

  9. This credit card looks like the trojan man :D

  10. its cool, the red is eye catching.

  11. Looks cool, I've never seen an all red credit card before.

  12. awesome credit card, one of the best you've shown me yet!
