Ever since i was young i remember looking at credit cards or debit cards or any bank card for that matter and loving the graphics they put on them. Each one was unique to a person for such a long time, it almost formed part of their identity. As i got older and got cards for myself i developed attachements to my favourite credit card graphics. Here i look to share some of the most inspiring, artistic and beautiful bank card designs i have seen.
Im a huge fan of american express credit cards, platinum credit cards, gold credit cards, limitless credit cards. You know the deal. Any bank account that falls under those expensive credit card brackets you can expect to find info on here.
Follow me for unique and valuable credit card updates.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Orange themed credit cards?

It seems people enjoy the more structured credit card blog posts i make, with previous credit cards being focusing on american express, amex, cats etc.
I thought just to try out my blog ill focus on posting credit cards of a specific theme, well todays theme is orange.
These are some really nice credit cards.

Two very nice clean orange credit cards. I really like these cards, very simplistic with that suttle design to keep them interesting.

While its not stricty the color i thought i would post a credit card we all relate to the brand.
The matted black really makes this credit card stand out from the crowd, the banks will remember you.

So let me know what you think of these credit cards, keep me updated on your thoughts.
If theres any specific credit card themes you would like to see let me know.


  1. Not a big fan of the orange cards, its all about black and gold!

  2. Looks like it should be acciocated with Orange the network provider.

  3. I'm not a fan of the orange card.

  4. not a big fan of the orange but like the black one

  5. I like the colour orange so those cards are pretty appealing to me. Got to say you've hit two of my favorite colours in one post though, black and orange, the matte black is really cool.

    I'd really like to see an orange and black card, that would be sweet.

  6. orange is too bright for me, i dont like the idea of "flashing cash" and, basically speaking a bright credit card is almost the digital alternative!

  7. I love orange :) Such a warm and lovely color

  8. They're not bad keep up what you're doing, I like TV and Movie related cards.

  9. ehhhh... not a fan of the orange one but I do like the slick black one! :D

  10. I prefer cards with more elaborate designs.

  11. lmao if banks remember you? how about a pornographic credit card they will never forget!!!

  12. orange too flashy, its ok though

  13. Orange is a great color, but the mated black looks awesome, love it!

  14. I like orange but I don't like credit cards. What do i do??

  15. I like the second more artistic orange and always love solid black. How about doing like a Fantasy theme, Anime or just whatever?

  16. Those cards are so orange, I feel like eating oranges now haha

  17. Since the first card looks like Mars or another planet, I'd have to go with that one. :)

  18. They look nice. usually orange is too bright on things.

  19. As far as orange goes, I like the second one... But the matted one, I like that one most. Even if it's not orange.

  20. I like the first one best! :)

  21. like the black matte, looks so clean cut

  22. ooo matted black does beat orange.

  23. they should make the orange card a scratch and sniff, so you can have something to do while standing in line to buy stuff.
