Ever since i was young i remember looking at credit cards or debit cards or any bank card for that matter and loving the graphics they put on them. Each one was unique to a person for such a long time, it almost formed part of their identity. As i got older and got cards for myself i developed attachements to my favourite credit card graphics. Here i look to share some of the most inspiring, artistic and beautiful bank card designs i have seen.
Im a huge fan of american express credit cards, platinum credit cards, gold credit cards, limitless credit cards. You know the deal. Any bank account that falls under those expensive credit card brackets you can expect to find info on here.
Follow me for unique and valuable credit card updates.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Just an interesting credit card and money stat

Are you a victim of carrying credit card money debt?

Is your bank on your ass?

just found this stat and thought i would share, ill be back in the morning for my regular daily update. Stay tuned money grabbers


  1. Excellent post man! Was a really interesting read! thanks for sharing!

  2. thats pritty intence, I have a cc but no real debt

  3. Surprising, but glad I found this out, thanks

  4. 60 percent??? It is astonishing, but at the same time not at all surprising. Credit cards are designed for one sole purpose: to put you in debt, and when you can't pay on time, they rack up the late fees, and that's where they make the most profit.

    All in all, fuck credit cards, and if you do use one, make sure not to spend money you don't have.

    Oh and also, don't forget to have a real cool design on it ;)

  5. I also have no debt!

    I just use my card to get the benifits of using it!

    1% back every year...

  6. I chose to only use debit because I don't want to end up like this >_<

  7. The way that I look at credit cards is every time you get one you're going straight into debt. GOTTA BE RESPONSIBLE HOMIE

  8. I'm in the 20%

    I didn't realize credit cards were so popular...it explains a lot though...

  9. I know how that guy feels... :(

  10. Hmm, I only do have prepaid credit card, so I can spend only taht I charge it.

  11. Dunno why people have debts, if you don't have the money, don't buy it :P

  12. My mom is. But we finally got things straightened out. Debt consolidation messed us up more than her just fixing it on her own. Ironic huh?

  13. in this country everyone has debt.....and they take it to the grave!

  14. I don't have debts; debit cards FTW! I just linked a credit card to a debit account, and I don't have to deal with debt. It's great.

  15. This is why I stay the fuck away from credit cards.
