Ever since i was young i remember looking at credit cards or debit cards or any bank card for that matter and loving the graphics they put on them. Each one was unique to a person for such a long time, it almost formed part of their identity. As i got older and got cards for myself i developed attachements to my favourite credit card graphics. Here i look to share some of the most inspiring, artistic and beautiful bank card designs i have seen.
Im a huge fan of american express credit cards, platinum credit cards, gold credit cards, limitless credit cards. You know the deal. Any bank account that falls under those expensive credit card brackets you can expect to find info on here.
Follow me for unique and valuable credit card updates.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

A revamped classic credit card

Ive been set out to search for similiar credit cards to the ever popular casette credit card, at last i found a bank that makes one.
Just straight sleak and stylish; so fresh and modern yet retro. This is the sickest credit card i have ever seen, it trumps the older version imo


  1. Yeah it's better than the other one

  2. Okay, I've gotta admit, I'm a huge sucker for all things retro, and this card is sick as hell. I would use this card in a second.

  3. Wow, this is really cool !!

  4. Wow that's really old school. But in a good way

  5. Not much of a fan of this one!

  6. If ever I qualify for a credit card, I will get this exact one.

  7. this is a bad ass credit card!! but fuck credit cards.. DEBT is not OK nor is it normal to accrue mass amounts of it.. CASH MONEY is the way to go people..

    Miss Dro Cooking With Cannabis

  8. This one looks really cool...

  9. Interesting topic to blog about! LLove this one.
    Definitely following.
