Ever since i was young i remember looking at credit cards or debit cards or any bank card for that matter and loving the graphics they put on them. Each one was unique to a person for such a long time, it almost formed part of their identity. As i got older and got cards for myself i developed attachements to my favourite credit card graphics. Here i look to share some of the most inspiring, artistic and beautiful bank card designs i have seen.
Im a huge fan of american express credit cards, platinum credit cards, gold credit cards, limitless credit cards. You know the deal. Any bank account that falls under those expensive credit card brackets you can expect to find info on here.
Follow me for unique and valuable credit card updates.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Young money

A collection of credit cards aimed at young money makers, the banks hook you in early! These cards will please anyone whos got a pocket money bank account.

You knew one would be somewhere! The world famous hello kitty logo on a hello kitty credit card, such an obvious marketing scheme to happen. Ah well, if the banks please the fans thats all good. Sleak credit card.
No idea what the hell this is, some weird cartoon playing the guitar credit card. Pretty stupid but funny in a strange way. Banks are very odd places.


  1. I want that Kitty card so much. Not nesissarily the credit, but I'll take the debit card of her.
    Japan also has quite a few cash cards (japan's credit card) of Hello Kitty, I believe a lot of them are done in all gold.

  2. I'm loving that Hello Kitty one!

  3. No the hello kitty one is for middle aged women going through their mid-life crisis, not children...

  4. whose kids got a credit card?

  5. haha cool , truefact from itsfranz though. lol !

  6. These are quite cool, you should be allowed to design your own.

  7. I'm glad they didn't forget about the children!

  8. lol I just find it interesting how far these companies are willing to go in order to get people to use their cards
